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09 May '18

campaign for Ontwerpsalon 2018

Posted by Renske Versluijs

Ontwerpsalon 2018For the third edition of the design fair Ontwerpsalon I created this colorful campaign for online and offline use together with Studio Katapult. 

We created four different trend cards for the exhibition to share the work of the designers: COLOUR, TEXTURE, NOIR and SEXY FOOD.

Ontwerpsalon - picture Renske Versluijs

Ontwerpsalon - picture Renske VersluijsOntwerpsalon - picture Renske VersluijsOntwerpsalon - picture Renske VersluijsOntwerpsalon - picture Renske VersluijsOntwerpsalon - picture Renske VersluijsOntwerpsalon - picture Renske Versluijs

Styling and Photography: Renske Versluijs. Graphic design: Studio Katapult. 

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