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16 Aug '16

Film day 2 at VechtclubXL

Posted by Renske Versluijs in projects

Yesterday we had our second film day, making portraits of product designers at VechtclubXL with Hustle creatives and Kris Black. We spoke to some inspiring people about their life as a creative entrepreneur. 

Caroline Cracco - picture renskeversluijs  Caroline Cracco - picture renskeversluijs
Illustrator Caroline Cracco

All Things we Like - picture renskeversluijs
Product designer All Things we Like

Rood&Bloem - renskeversluijs  Rood & Bloem - picture renskeversluijs 
Stylist Rood & Bloem

Tim van de Weerd  Tim van de Weerd - picture renskeversluijs
Product designer Tim van de Weerd

pictures: renskeversluijs

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