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12 Jul '16

Film day at VechtclubXL

Posted by Renske Versluijs in projects

VechtclubXL - picture renskeversluijs

VechtclubXL - picture renskeversluijs

VechtclubXL - picture renskeversluijs

VechtclubXL - picture renskeversluijs

VechtclubXL - picture renskeversluijs

VechtclubXL - studio renskeversluijs - picture by Kris Black

I had a great day yesterday, filming some of the inspiring workplaces at VechtclubXL with Hustle creatives and Kris Black. The short movies are made to complement the fotoshoot by Kris Black, Simone van Rees and me about the creative entrepeneurs at the hotspot VechtclubXL, where my own studio is located too. Happy to work in such an inspiring place and to be able to show you what nice things are made here.

pictures: renskeversluijs, last pic by Kris Black

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